Monday, May 21, 2007

Tut 4-5

Tutorial Four and Five: Video Production Sessions

Task One: Follow instructions and work in a small group to plan and produce and edit a 30 second short.

Task Two: Set up a U Tube account

Task Three: Follow instructions to posting your video on U Tube.

Task Four (Blog Posting): Provide a brief summary of the services offered by U Tube. Information can be drawn from the week five tutorial hand out.

Utube provides a place to upload and post videos for public viewing and post comments on others videos.

Task Five (Blog Posting): Provide a brief account (1-2 paragraphs) on how the use of planning (storyboarding and scripting aided your groups short film.

Story boarding is the process off maping out the shots of a film as to have it organised and make it easier to get the shots you want and shorten the editing process. It also helps to develop the story line and give a vision of the final product.

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